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Use and function characteristics of rehabilitation equipment

Release date:2019-09-24 Author: Click:

During rehabilitation training, the therapist uses a certain device to train the patient's technique or to guide and assist the patient in using the device for training. These instruments are called rehabilitation equipment and are mainly made of steel, wood, plastic and other materials. They vary in structure, shape, size, weight and use. Some are made up of dozens or hundreds of parts, some of which are very simple.

Here is a small example to illustrate:

The main function of an electric bicycle is to drive the body through the motor to do passive movement. It can do 1,200 aerobic exercises every 20 minutes. Twice a day, it is equivalent to more than 2,400 aerobic exercises, which greatly improves the exercise efficiency of the rehabilitation population. Exercise on an electric bike can significantly improve limb strength, coordination and walking ability. Improve the function of the organs, improve blood circulation, prevent muscle atrophy, joint contracture, etc., and enhance the confidence of patients in rehabilitation!

Rehabilitation equipment

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