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Jogging on a treadmill

Release date:2019-09-30 Author: Click:

1. Abdomen: Exercise to treat diabetes:

The brain sends out messages when the body is doing physical work, consuming the fat layer of the abdomen. Medical research confirms that this is also a good way to reduce the risk of diabetes. Because substances released by fat cells can interfere with insulin production, regular physical exercise has become an "over-the-counter" for the treatment of mild type 2 diabetes.

2, joints: running to reduce joint burden

The nutrients of articular cartilage are not from blood vessels, but from synovial fluid produced by the upper cartilage cells. Jogging supplies the joint synovial fluid with sufficient knee and hip joints because the body pushes the cartilage "sucking" the joint synovial fluid every time it is run, and then re-presses it. In addition, regular running helps to reduce the burden on the thigh joints because the enhanced muscle tissue can better support the joints.

3, the brain: active brain thinking

Regular exercise can help you use your brain and active thinking. Active exercise of the human muscles can send out information, prompting the human brain to produce a protein, which is named by the medical brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF. The body needs this protein to promote new nerve growth and establish neural connections. When people reach middle age, if they exercise twice a week for 40 minutes, the chance of suffering from Alzheimer's disease can be reduced by about 60%.

4, skin: exercise increases heart blood circulation

During exercise, the heart's "pumping blood" speed increases, blood circulation is improved and more oxygen is input, thus also feeding more nutrients to the cells, making the skin rosy.

5, the heart: jogging to treat high blood pressure

When jogging, the heart supplies oxygen-rich blood to muscles that work hard by speeding up the beat. If people use it regularly, the load on the heart will increase. In this way, even if the body is in a non-sport state, the heart can transport more blood every time the heart beats, and all the cells of the body can obtain a better supply of oxygen. When the body moves, the blood pressure can be normalized by lowering the body weight and reducing the stress hormones in the blood. For patients with mild hypertension, active exercise can take less medicine!

6, lung: jogging increases lung capacity

When running, the muscles consume a lot of oxygen in a short time, so that the body learns to inhale more oxygen at rest. Studies have shown that daily jogging for 30 minutes can increase lung volume (pulmonary capacity) by 1/3 and improve blood oxygenation.

7, intestinal: exercise relieves constipation

Sports and physical labor can help the parasympathetic nerves stimulate the intestinal digestive system. Too little exercise is the main cause of constipation. Physicians suggest that patients with constipation should not be eager to seek laxatives. It may take at least 30 minutes of physical exercise every day to promote intestinal peristalsis. The pain of constipation is also solved.


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